Peta Chivers: How Remote Coaching from Poseidon Performance Keeps a 60+ Athlete Thriving

Case Study: Peta Chivers - Embracing Life's Challenges with Poseidon Performance

Peta Chivers, a vibrant and active woman in her 60s, is a prominent member of the Dartmouth Gig Rowing Club, a passionate runner, and an open and wild water swimmer. Her lifestyle is an inspiring testament to the idea that age is just a number. Peta continually pushes her physical limits, maintaining an enviable level of fitness and energy that many half her age would admire. However, even with her remarkable dedication, the need for tailored guidance and expert coaching became apparent to help her avoid injury and optimize performance across her diverse athletic pursuits.

Peta’s journey with Poseidon Performance began when she sought specialized support that would accommodate both her active lifestyle and her geographical location. Living in Dartmouth, Devon, while her coach, Nicholas Martin-Jones, operated from Bahrain, presented a unique challenge that was seamlessly overcome through virtual coaching.

The Challenge: Tailored Coaching for a Multi-Sport Athlete

Peta’s varied activities—gig rowing, running, and swimming—demanded a highly individualized training approach. Each sport places different stresses on the body, requiring a careful balance of strength, endurance, mobility, and recovery to ensure longevity in her athletic endeavors. Peta knew that if she wanted to continue performing at her best, she needed a program designed not only for her specific sports but also for her stage in life.

Moreover, as a woman in her 60s, maintaining bone density, muscle mass, and joint health was crucial, especially given the physically demanding nature of gig rowing and long-distance swimming. The combination of Poseidon Performance's expertise in exercise rehabilitation and strength conditioning, alongside its ability to tailor programs to older athletes, made the partnership a perfect fit.

The Poseidon Virtual Approach: Remote Coaching, Real Results

Poseidon Performance’s virtual coaching offered Peta the flexibility she needed to continue training on her own terms while receiving expert guidance from afar. Through detailed video analysis, performance check-ins, and personalized workout plans, Nicholas was able to provide consistent feedback and adjust her training regimen in real-time.

Her program integrated strength training to build resilience and power for rowing, mobility exercises to improve her running stride, and specific endurance training to enhance her stamina in cold, open water. Each phase of her training was carefully calibrated to align with her competitive schedule, ensuring she was prepared for races and events without overtraining.

Weekly virtual sessions allowed Nicholas to monitor Peta’s progress, adapt her plan as needed, and offer encouragement and motivation, all while keeping an eye on injury prevention and recovery strategies. Peta credits this holistic approach with keeping her in peak condition, enabling her to thrive in her favorite activities and continue to challenge herself.

Results: Thriving in Sport and Life

Since working with Poseidon Performance, Peta has seen noticeable improvements in her strength, endurance, and overall fitness. She has been able to perform at a higher level across all her sports, whether it's cutting through the water during a gig rowing race or conquering a cold-water swim. More importantly, she has stayed injury-free and maintains the ability to recover quickly between activities, all while feeling stronger and more confident in her abilities.

For Peta, Poseidon Performance has been an essential part of her journey, offering the perfect blend of remote support and expert coaching. Nicholas’ understanding of the needs of older athletes and his ability to provide specialized training from across the world has empowered her to continue enjoying the activities she loves well into her 60s and beyond.


Poseidon Performance is proud to be part of Peta’s story, helping her maintain her passion for sport while achieving personal growth, fitness, and well-being—proving that age is no barrier to performance when you have the right support.


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