Mastering Recovery: How Vadzim Pukhau Overcame Chronic Hip Pain and Reclaimed His Competitive Edge with Poseidon Performance

Case Study: Vadzim Pukhau – A Master Athlete’s Return to Form with Poseidon Performance**


Vadzim Pukhau, originally from Belarus, has had an illustrious career as a martial artist, earning the prestigious title of Master of Sport of the USSR. Throughout his journey, he has gained black belts in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Taekwondo, and Karate. Despite being a veteran of the sport, Vadzim continues to compete internationally, particularly in the AJP Tour, one of the premier global Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu circuits.

However, years of high-level competition and rigorous training had taken a toll on his body, particularly manifesting in a chronic hip issue that significantly hindered his mobility and ability to compete at the highest level. When traditional rehabilitation methods proved ineffective, Vadzim turned to Nicholas Martin-Jones at Poseidon Performance for a more specialised and comprehensive approach.

The Challenge

Vadzim's chronic hip pain had been persistent for several years, affecting his training volume and overall performance. As a seasoned competitor in combat sports, especially in the BJJ AJP Tour, maintaining mobility, flexibility, and explosive power was critical. The pain not only compromised his ability to perform techniques but also left him vulnerable to injury during competitions.

Furthermore, due to his extensive experience and advanced age, traditional rehabilitation methods designed for younger athletes weren’t yielding the desired results. He required a bespoke solution that catered to his body’s specific needs while addressing the wear and tear accumulated over decades of elite performance.

Poseidon Performance Approach

Nicholas Martin-Jones, leveraging his experience as a former Royal Marines Commando Physical Training Instructor and expert in exercise rehabilitation, created a tailor-made plan to get Vadzim back on track. His approach with Poseidon Performance focuses on blending advanced rehabilitation techniques with performance optimization for older athletes.

1. Biomechanical Assessment: Nicholas began with a thorough biomechanical assessment, identifying the root cause of Vadzim's hip issue. Rather than treating the symptom alone, Nicholas looked at Vadzim’s overall movement patterns and the stress areas in his body caused by years of combat sports.

2. Targeted Strengthening: With the hip issue diagnosed as a result of both muscular imbalances and joint wear, Nicholas developed a strength program focused on addressing these imbalances. Key areas of focus were the hip flexors, glutes, and core muscles, which play a critical role in stabilizing the hip joint during dynamic movements in martial arts.

3. Mobility and Flexibility Training: A customised mobility program was created to restore range of motion in the hip and surrounding areas. Nicholas incorporated techniques from yoga, functional range conditioning, and dynamic stretching to progressively improve Vadzim’s flexibility, an essential factor in his martial arts disciplines.

4. Conditioning for Longevity: Recognising that Vadzim’s competition career was ongoing, Nicholas incorporated conditioning protocols designed not just for peak performance but for longevity. These protocols ensured that Vadzim could continue to compete without re-aggravating the hip or causing further damage.

5. Mental and Tactical Support: Beyond physical rehabilitation, Nicholas also worked closely with Vadzim to provide mental support and tactical adjustments to his training and competition strategies. This included modifying training loads to allow for recovery while still maintaining a competitive edge.


Over the course of several months, Vadzim’s hip mobility improved significantly, reducing pain and allowing him to return to full training intensity. With Nicholas’ guidance, Vadzim was able to reintroduce high-impact movements into his martial arts repertoire without discomfort. Most importantly, he resumed competing in the AJP Tour, performing at a high level on the international stage once again.

Vadzim’s chronic hip issue, once seen as a potential career-ending problem, is now under control thanks to Poseidon Performance’s holistic approach to rehabilitation and performance optimization. The collaboration between Vadzim and Nicholas underscores the importance of tailored athletic care, particularly for elite athletes who have long and demanding careers.


Vadzim Pukhau’s successful rehabilitation under the guidance of Nicholas Martin-Jones at Poseidon Performance is a testament to the power of personalized care and expert coaching. Nicholas’s ability to blend rehabilitation with performance enhancement has allowed Vadzim to extend his competitive career while ensuring he remains strong and injury-free.

Vadzim’s journey is a shining example of how older athletes, even those with decades of experience and wear, can still perform at the highest levels with the right support and training program.


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