Romanian Deadlift & Stiff-Leg Deadlift
The Romanian deadlift and the stiff-leg deadlift are both muscle-building versions of the deadlift. Either lift can help boost your strength and target different deadlift sticking points. While both of these deadlift variations can help you bust through a lifting plateau, the Romanian and stiff-leg deadlift are different lifts.
The stiff leg deadlift starts from the floor and is initiated from a dead stop position.
The Romanian deadlift starts from the hip and is only lowered to just below the knee to maximize hamstring development.
Both movements are used to target lower back strength, teach and reinforce a firm hip hinge position, and increase loading to the glutes and hamstrings.
Differences Between the Romanian and Stiff-Leg Deadlift
Though both versions are undeniably a deadlift, the RDL and the stiff-leg versions have some pretty hefty differences between them. Principle among them is whether the weight plates actually touch the platform between reps — and that translates into a range of other differences.