Learn The Hip Hinge!
Nicholas Martin-Jones Nicholas Martin-Jones

Learn The Hip Hinge!

One of the most common reasons for developing lower back pain is the inability to properly move from the hips. From bending over to lift something off the ground to squatting. The majority of people who develop lower back pain have allowed their lower back to compensate for lack of mobility in the hips. This has progressively allowed the lumbar spine to move excessively and become unstable. Learning to move from the hips and keep the spine stable with core stiffness is fundamental in optimal movement patterns and rebuilding the correct movement pattern.

To perform a correct hip hinge, start in a standing position with your hands straight in front of you (zombie stance). Grip the ground with your feet (driving the big toe into the ground) and feel for your bodyweight spread evenly across your entire foot (tripod foot). Drive your knees out to the side to engage your lateral glutes (make sure to keep your foot firmly glued to the ground and your big toe in contact with the floor). Using a small resistance band loop across your knees can be great in the early learning process to teach your body how to create sufficient tension in these lateral hip muscles.

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