How Pro Bodybuilders Turn Into Mass Monsters!


Anyone considering steroid use should consult with a medical professional and consider the legal and health risks involved.

Professional bodybuilders often use complex and high-dosage anabolic steroid cycles, which are usually tailored to their specific goals, whether it’s bulking, cutting, or preparing for a competition. These cycles often involve a combination of multiple steroids, including both oral and injectable compounds, along with other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) like human growth hormone (HGH), insulin, and thyroid hormones.

Some commonly used steroids in pro bodybuilding cycles include:

1. Testosterone (various esters like enanthate, cypionate, or propionate): The base of most steroid cycles, testosterone is used for its strong anabolic effects.

• Beginner Dosages: 300-500 mg per week.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 500-1,000 mg or more per week.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Often exceed 1,000 mg per week, sometimes reaching 2,000 mg or more.

2. Trenbolone: Known for its powerful muscle-building properties, but also associated with significant side effects.

• Beginner Dosages: 200-300 mg per week.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 300-500 mg per week.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Often in the range of 500-700 mg per week, but some may use more.

3. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone): An oral steroid often used in bulking cycles for rapid muscle gains.

•Beginner Dosages: 20-30 mg per day.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 30-50 mg per day.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: 50-100 mg per day.

4. Anadrol (Oxymetholone): Another potent oral steroid used to promote significant muscle mass and strength.

• Beginner Dosages: 25-50 mg per day.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 50-100 mg per day.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Sometimes as high as 100-150 mg per day.

5. Winstrol (Stanozolol): Commonly used during cutting phases to retain lean muscle while losing fat.

• Beginner Dosages: 25-50 mg per day (oral) or 50 mg every other day (injectable).

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 50 mg per day (oral) or 50-100 mg every other day (injectable).

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Can be 100 mg per day (oral) or 100 mg per day (injectable).

6. Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate): Known for its joint-lubricating properties and used in bulking cycles.

• Beginner Dosages: 200-300 mg per week.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 400-600 mg per week.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Often 600-800 mg per week or more.

7. Primobolan (Methenolone): A milder steroid often used during cutting cycles.

• Beginner Dosages: 400-600 mg per week.

• Intermediate/Advanced Dosages: 600-800 mg per week.

• Pro Bodybuilder Dosages: Up to 1,000 mg per week or more.

Other Drugs Often Used in Conjunction

Human Growth Hormone (HGH): 4-6 IU per day, with some using 10-15 IU or more.

Insulin: Often dosed in units based on carbohydrate intake, with some using 5-10 IU per meal.

Thyroid Hormones (T3/T4): 25-75 mcg per day, sometimes more.

It’s critical to understand that these dosages are not recommended and are shared only for informational purposes. The use of anabolic steroids at these levels is highly dangerous, and the long-term consequences can be severe.

Typical Elements of a Pro Bodybuilder’s Cycle:

Stacking: Using multiple steroids together to maximize muscle growth and fat loss.

Pyramiding: Gradually increasing the dose, peaking, and then tapering off.

Cycling: Alternating periods of steroid use with off periods to help minimize side effects.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): After the cycle, PCT drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene) or Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) are often used to help restore natural testosterone production and reduce the risk of side effects.

Risks and Considerations:

• Health Risks: The cycles used by professional bodybuilders can lead to serious health issues, including heart disease, liver damage, kidney problems, hormonal imbalances, and mental health issues like aggression and depression.

• Legal Risks: In many countries, anabolic steroids are controlled substances, and using them without a prescription is illegal.

• Ethical and Sports Regulations: Using steroids is banned in most professional sports, and athletes caught using them can face severe penalties, including lifetime bans.

• Extreme Dosages: The dosages used by professional bodybuilders are often extreme and come with a high risk of side effects, including organ damage, hormonal imbalances, and severe cardiovascular problems.

Stacking: Many bodybuilders stack multiple steroids and other compounds together, which can amplify both the desired effects and the risks.

Health Monitoring: Pro bodybuilders often undergo regular health monitoring, including blood tests, to manage the risks, but this does not eliminate the dangers involved.

Professional bodybuilders often use significantly higher doses of anabolic steroids than what might be considered for medical purposes or even by recreational users. These doses are usually far beyond what is prescribed for legitimate medical treatments, and the amounts can vary greatly depending on the individual, their goals, the specific compounds being used, and their tolerance to side effects.

Professional bodybuilders typically have medical supervision, but even with this, the long-term health consequences can be severe. For anyone considering this path, it’s crucial to weigh the risks very carefully and consider safer, legal alternatives for achieving fitness goals.


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