Poseidon Performance

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Chronic Back Pain to Strength: How Laurence Beuker Became Pain-Free and Deadlifted Her Bodyweight

Case Study: Laurence Beuker – From Chronic Back Pain to Deadlifting Bodyweight

Client Background:

Laurence Beuker, originally from Belgium, is a mother of three who endured over three years of debilitating chronic back pain. Her condition had progressed to the point where she could barely walk without significant discomfort, limiting her ability to engage in everyday activities and, most importantly, be fully present for her children.

The Challenge:

When Laurence came to Poseidon Performance, her primary goal was simple—she wanted to be pain-free and return to a functional level of fitness. Years of chronic pain had not only weakened her physically but had also affected her mental resilience. The journey ahead required a careful, progressive approach, particularly given the severity of her condition and her long-standing fear of re-injury.

Nicholas’s Approach:

Nicholas Martin-Jones, founder of Poseidon Performance, recognized that Laurence’s case was not just about rebuilding strength, but about restoring her confidence in movement. His method involved:

1. Initial Assessment and Functional Movement Screening:

Nicholas began by thoroughly assessing Laurence’s movement patterns and the specific limitations caused by her back pain. Through a detailed screening process, he identified muscular imbalances, areas of tightness, and weaknesses that were contributing to her chronic pain.

2. Progressive Strength and Mobility Program:

Nicholas crafted a customized program aimed at improving Laurence’s mobility, flexibility, and overall strength, starting with the core and posterior chain. The program was gentle at first, focusing on low-impact exercises designed to restore movement and alleviate pain. Regular adjustments were made based on her progress.

3. Pain-Free Walking and Gradual Load Introduction:

Within the first month, Laurence saw marked improvements. Nicholas’s methodical approach ensured that she regained the ability to walk pain-free. With confidence in her mobility restored, he slowly introduced strength-based movements, teaching Laurence proper lifting mechanics to ensure her form was impeccable, reducing the risk of re-injury.

4. Strengthening and Deadlifting:

Once her foundational strength was built, Nicholas progressively integrated deadlifts into her program. Starting with a light weight, the focus remained on perfect form and body alignment. Over the course of three months, Laurence’s strength and confidence grew. Eventually, she reached the milestone of deadlifting her bodyweight—a remarkable achievement for someone who had been unable to walk pain-free just a few months prior.


After three months of working with Nicholas at Poseidon Performance, Laurence is now pain-free, fully mobile, and able to lift her own bodyweight in the deadlift. Her chronic back pain has not only been eliminated, but she has gained newfound strength and vitality, allowing her to return to a fully active lifestyle with her children.


Laurence’s transformation is a testament to the tailored and progressive approach at Poseidon Performance. Through expert guidance and structured rehabilitation, she regained her quality of life and discovered strength she didn’t know she had.