Poseidon Performance

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Ali Monfaradi: Elite BJJ Competitor and Combat Sports Athlete – Strength & Conditioning Case Study

Case Study: Ali Monfaradi – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt & International Competitor

Ali Monfaradi is a name synonymous with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) excellence. A black belt, owner of the renowned Elements Jiu-Jitsu Academy, and a fierce competitor at the highest level, Ali has consistently represented his country on the world stage. Competing in events such as the JJIF World Championship and the AJP Masters World Championship, he has faced intense physical demands and the constant wear and tear of high-level combat sports.

The Challenge

As with most elite athletes in combat sports, Ali has encountered numerous injuries throughout his career. The recurring nature of these injuries – particularly in his shoulders, knees, and lower back – had begun to impact his ability to perform at peak levels consistently. In combat sports, maintaining strength and conditioning while managing injuries is critical but challenging.

Ali needed a solution that not only addressed his physical injuries but also enhanced his overall athletic performance. This is where Nicholas Martin-Jones and Poseidon Performance played a pivotal role.

The Approach

Nicholas, with his extensive background in performance coaching and rehabilitation, worked with Ali to develop a tailored strength and conditioning program. Understanding the unique demands of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Nicholas crafted a plan that focused on building resilience, flexibility, and functional strength while addressing the chronic issues caused by repeated strain.

1. Injury Management: A key part of the program was focused on injury prevention and rehabilitation. Nicholas worked on strengthening Ali's weak points, particularly around his joints, using targeted exercises and mobility work to ensure the injuries did not resurface.

2. Conditioning for Combat: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu requires immense cardiovascular endurance and muscular stamina. Nicholas implemented sport-specific conditioning drills to keep Ali's heart rate high while mimicking the intensity of competition. This improved Ali's ability to recover between high-intensity grappling rounds.

3. Strength Optimisation: Combat sports require explosive strength, particularly in short bursts. Nicholas incorporated strength-building exercises that focused on core stability, grip strength, and explosive power—crucial attributes for dominating on the mats.

The Results

Under Nicholas's guidance, Ali saw remarkable improvements in both his physical health and competitive performance. His chronic injuries, which once seemed insurmountable, were managed effectively, allowing him to train and compete with fewer setbacks. His strength and conditioning program translated into increased endurance on the mat, improved power in his takedowns, and better recovery times between matches.

As a result, Ali continued to compete at the highest levels, including the JJIF World Championship and the AJP Masters World Championship, without being held back by recurring injuries.


For athletes like Ali Monfaradi, competing in combat sports at the highest level requires more than just technical skill—it demands a finely-tuned body that can endure the rigors of intense training and competition. With the help of Nicholas and Poseidon Performance, Ali was able to enhance his strength, improve his conditioning, and overcome the injuries that threatened his career. This partnership showcases the importance of tailored training and rehabilitation for athletes in physically demanding sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.